Job Description

Job description

The editor’s primary responsibilities will be:

·       Managing the overall process for the production and delivery of all major Chamber print publications, including content, budgeting, scheduling, translation, design and layout, editing, proofreading and printing.

·       Producing EURObiz on a bi-monthly basis.


·       Deliver EURObiz on a bi-monthly basis using internal and external channels. This includes conceptualising the theme; researching, commissioning, writing and editing all content; liaising with contributors; writing and conducting interviews; managing art direction and layout; and colour proofing.

·       Manage EURObiz online, including re-purposing all articles and artwork for online publication and ensuring all articles are search-engine optimised.

·       Oversee the distribution of EUROBiz, both online (website and app) and the hard copy.

·       Manage the process for production of all major Chamber print publications, including EURObiz, the Position Paper, local position papers, the Business Confidence Survey and other reports.

·       Lead the editing of all major Chamber print publications, including the Position Paper, local position papers, the Business Confidence Survey and other reports, to ensure the quality and accuracy of language and consistency of messaging.

·       Proofread all Chamber print publications to ensure final copy is high quality and error free.

·       Plan and manage the editorial calendar and coordinate contributors for growing online content of EURObiz.

·       Edit the Chamber national newsletter and Beijing local newsletter.

·       Coordinate with the Chamber’s marketing team on strategies to increase traffic to the EURObiz website.

Government Affairs

·       Develop a thorough understanding of Chamber advocacy issues to ensure that Chamber messaging is communicated accurately and consistently through all channels (newsletters, magazine, website and other publications).


·       Work closely with local chapter teams and other functional teams.

·       Develop new communication initiatives that serve Chamber advocacy.

·       Participate in new project development and/or presentations when relevant.

·       Manage and develop staff to deliver all tasks:

–   Publications coordinator/manager

–   Designer

·       Support the design and creative needs of all departments and chapters.

·       Ensure the publication process is within budget and on schedule.


·       Plan and manage the annual publications budget.

·       Ensure that all planned publications do not exceed budget.

·       Provide a monthly forecast for publications based on the budget.

·       Provide an accurate cost breakdown for any new, out-of-budget spend that is requested by the secretary general and/or other chapters.

Other duties required by the general manager and secretary general
