Job Description
(Deadline: December 1, 2023)
Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development
National Taiwan University
The Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development, National Taiwan University, invites applications for one full-time assistant / associate / professor position. Candidates must have a Ph.D., and should expertise in data science in Agriculture: the field in relevant digital data science that is been capable to apply the data mining and/or big data analysis to the practice of digital agri-food and social media community marketing communication. The applicant should be capable of instructing courses related to the agricultural data science discipline. Applicants should also demonstrate the ability to teach in English. Candidates who fit the fields of bioindustry and marketing communications will be given preference. This position will be effective from August 1, 2024.
Interested applicants please submit the following documents to the Faculty Recruitment Committee of the Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development, National Taiwan University (The submitted materials should be one copy of items 1-8, and five copies of items 9-10):
1.The completed application form (Including hard copy and electronic files). The application form is available at the department’s website ( Please download and complete the application form, and send the electronic file of the form to our department.
2.A curriculum vitae.
3.A copy of Ph.D. diploma (Before formally hired, the foreign diploma must be verified by the Embassies and Missions Abroad, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, R.O.C.).
4.Transcripts of masters and Ph.D. degrees (If the degree-granting institution does not require coursework, an official explanation letter from the advisor or the department is required).
5.Publication list (For journal papers, please specify SCI, SSCI, A&HCI, etc., for the publications). The Publication list form is available at the department’s website ( Please download and complete the publication list, and send the electronic file of the form to our department.
6.The description of research area and teaching philosophy.
7.Please supply two syllabi—one for the undergraduate level course related to big data social media marketing communication, and the other for an elective course at postgraduate level. The former is required for instruction in English. Successful candidates are expected to contribute to the department’s English courses. Applicants with prior teaching experiences are asked to submit their course evaluations in recent three years.
8.Referees list (names, affiliations, position, telephone numbers, and email addresses of at least three referees), and at least three recommendation letters (We kindly request that recommenders be limited to teachers from institutions where the applicant has studied, supervisors from service organizations, and peers. Recommenders are requested to sign and seal the hard copy letters before sending them directly to our department).
9.Five copies of a representative academic paper (published after August 1, 2019). Note that the applicant should be the first and/or corresponding author for the representative paper, and the representative paper should be published in the SCI, SSCI, and A&HCI-indexed journal. Those who obtained a doctoral degree after August 1, 2019, may use their doctoral thesis as their representative work. If it is co-authored, original copy of the verification of co-author’s contribution to the applicant’s representative publication should be provided (Not necessary for the applicant who is an Academia Sinica academician). The verification of co-author’s contribution to the applicant’s representative publication form is available at the department’s website ( download and complete the verification of co-author’s contribution to the applicant’s representative publication.
10.Five copies of recent selected publications, including journal papers, thesis, etc. (published after August 1, 2017). For doctoral theses, please provide separate abstracts in both Chinese and English.
11.Please arrange the publications, according to the publication list noted on item 5.
The application deadline is December 1, 2023. The mails should be postmarked by
December 1, 2023.
Mailing Address:
Faculty Recruitment Committee
Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development
National Taiwan University
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 106319, Taiwan
For further inquiries, please get in touch with [email protected], or call Mr. Liou at +886-2-3366-4422.