Faculty Position at Department and Institute of Veterinary Medicine, NTU

November 12, 2023

Job Description

Title Faculty Position at Department and Institute of Veterinary Medicine, NTU
Office College of Bioresources and Agriculture–Department of Veterinary Medicine

TIME 2023/10/31 下午 03:10:25

Content The School of Veterinary Medicine at the National Taiwan University (NTU) has a faculty position opening in the discipline of pharmacology or veterinary pharmacology, starting on August 1, 2024. The candidate is expected to teach veterinary pharmacology and participate in related teaching and services. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree in pharmacology or veterinary pharmacology and have at least 2 years of postdoc experience. Candidates should provide one representative full paper, in which he/she serves as the first or the corresponding authors, in a SCI-listed journal (or Ph.D. dissertation) published after August 1, 2019. The starting levels, from assistant to full professor, will commensurate with the candidates’ qualifications. Application files (save to flash drive) must include curriculum vitae, ID card (or passport) , the degree diploma, 3 letters of recommendation (send to [email protected] and [email protected]), the representative publication (see above) together with the verification of co-authors’ contribution to the applicant’s representative publication (form available upon request), other additional publications within the last 7 years (after August 1, 2017), the publication list, and the title and the outline of courses to be offered. Inquiries should be directed to Miss. Chen ([email protected]; tel: 886-2-33663762; fax: 886-2-23661475) at the department office at No. 1, section 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, 106 Taiwan. Web page: http://www.vm.ntu.edu.tw/DVM/, before January 2, 2024. The future promotion of this position will be subjected to the promotion regulations set by the College of Bioresources and Agriculture, NTU.
National Taiwan University is a top-ranked university in Taiwan with an excellent academic atmosphere. The school, College of Agriculture and Bioresources, and School of Veterinary Medicine provide funding for new faculties to set up their laboratory and office space comfortably. The College of Veterinary Medicine includes the Institute of Veterinary Medicine, the Institute of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology, and the Institute of Veterinary Clinical Science, providing many different research cooperation opportunities. It is a friendly and high-quality work environment for research and teaching.
Reader Faculty/Staff, Student, Alumni, Others

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