Faculty Position Available at Department of Agriculture Chemistry, NTU

March 5, 2023

Job Description

Title Faculty Position Available at Department of Agriculture Chemistry, NTU
Office College of Bioresources and Agriculture–Department of Agricultural Chemistry

TIME 2023/2/20 下午 03:30:23

Content Faculty Position Available  

Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor in Plant Nutrition and Chemistry

Department of Agricultural Chemistry
College of Bioresources and Agriculture
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

The Department of Agricultural Chemistry invites applicants for one faculty position at all ranks, estimated to start on August 1, 2023. The candidates should have a solid foundation in plant nutrition and phytochemistry; research experiences in organic fertilizer, chemical fertilizer, microbial fertilizer or plant metabolomics are favored. Teaching responsibilities will include two required courses “Plant Nutrition” and “Plant Nutrition Lab” at the undergraduate level and elective courses related to plant nutrition at the graduate level. 

Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in a field closely related to “Plant Nutrition and Chemistry” and a strong commitment to excellent teaching and research.

An application should include the following documents:
1.Cover letter (with a clear indication of preferred position rank)
2.Curriculum vitae, including a portrait photo.
3.A photocopy of Ph.D. diploma and an original copy of undergraduate and graduate school transcripts.
4.A complete list of publications.
5.The reprint of one representative research paper, accepted or published in an SCI (SSCI、A&HCI) journal after August 1, 2018. An acceptance letter is required for an accepted but not yet published paper. The applicant should be the representative papers first or corresponding author. For the applicants who graduated after August 1, 2020, the Ph.D. dissertation can be used as an alternative to the representative paper.
6.Reprints of publications accepted or published after August 1, 2016.
7.Statements of research and teaching plans.
8.Any other supporting materials.
9.Two recommendation letters sent by the referees directly to the Faculty Searching Committee via e-mail at htchen@ntu.edu.tw.

Application materials (1-8 items) should be prepared and combined into a single PDF file. Please e-mail your application with the subject “Application for Faculty Position” to htchen@ntu.edu.tw by April 22, 2023.

Any inquiry about this position may contact:
Prof. Zeng-Yei HSEU
Head, Department of Agricultural Chemistry
National Taiwan University
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 106319, Taiwan 
Tel: +886-2-33664823
E-mail: zyhseu@ntu.edu.tw

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