Faculty Positions at Westlake Center for Genome Editing, Westlake University

March 18, 2024

Job Description

Westlake University
Hangzhou, Zhejiang (CN)
Salary will be comparable and competitive to international standards
Closing date
Apr 11, 2024



Founded at Hangzhou, China in 2018, Westlake University is a new type of non-profit research-oriented university, creating a stimulating, world-class environment for research and education in science, engineering and technology, and life sciences. Westlake Center for Genome Editing is a newly established research center at Westlake University, aiming to develop novel technologies for genome editing applications. 

Westlake Center for Genome Editing seeks exceptional scholars in the following areas:

  • Novel genome editing approaches
  • Delivery systems for genome editing
  • Genome editing at the organismal level
  • Genome editing-related DNA damage repair


In addition to the above-mentioned directions, we encourage interdisciplinary research and welcomes talents from all disciplines to join!!

Faculty positions are opened at levels of Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor.

  • Each faculty member is provided with an internationally competitive start-up package to ensure maximum academic freedom and to encourage creativity and risk-taking. The package includes long-term research funding, ample laboratory space, access to state-of-the-art research facilities, excellent technical and administrative support.
  • All faculty members at Westlake Center for Genome Editing receive an internationally competitive salary and benefits package that includes a generous housing allowance and a premium medical care plan.

Candidates interested in our positions can contact us directly, please send the following documents in PDF format to [email protected],  and indicate “Position title + Name”.

  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum vitae with a complete list of publications
  • Statement of research interest and plan (3 pages)
  • Three letters of reference (to be submitted directly by the referees)

Contact US: [email protected]