Job Description
Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor – Applied Statistics – Stony Brook Institute at Anhui University
Location: Anhui University (Longhe Campus), Hefei, Anhui Province, China
Department: Stony Brook Institute at Anhui University
Anticipated Start Date: September 1, 2022. It is suggested that the new teacher arrives in China, no later than July 26, and arrives in Hefei no later than Aug. 9, to meet the quarantine regulations of the Chinese government.
Job Code: AMS001
Job Description:
Stony Brook Institute at Anhui University invites applications for lecturer positions in Applied Statistics. Candidates in the areas of Statistics/Mathematics, or a related field relevant to Statistics/Mathematics are especially encouraged to apply. The candidates are expected to teach Applied Statistics courses depending on the department’s teaching needs and help in the delivery and development of high-quality undergraduate teaching programs. The successful candidates should have a strong commitment to excellence in teaching, and ideally will already have teaching experience at a college or university level. The successful candidate will be required to sign a contract to teach at SBIAHU for two years starting in September 2022.
The SBIAHU is inclusive, international, and friendly with a positive atmosphere of collaboration and support. We seek creative, adaptable staff who enjoy working in a university climate that promotes cultural diversity, multicultural understanding, and cultural fluency and we sincerely welcome applicants to join SBIAHU.
Basic qualifications:
- Doctoral degree inStatistics/Mathematics or related area;
- Teaching in English with proficient English language competence;
- Holding academic or research positions in overseas universities or research institutes by June1st, 2022 and have continuous working experience for more than 36 months. The requirements for working experience can be adjusted if the candidates earned their doctoral degree overseas and have made outstanding academic achievements.
Preferred qualifications:
- Experience in teaching Applied Linear Algebra, Finite Mathematical Structures, Probability Theory, Applied Algebra, Introduction to Economics, Data Analysis, Mathematical Statistics, Game Theory, Econometrics or other related courses in a university setting
- Experience with assessment and curriculum development
- Knowledge of current theories and methods of the above courses
- Teaching four 90-minute classes per week (2 sections per week, two 90-minute classes per section). The normal class size is about 50 students.
- Attending weekly teaching preparation meetings (about one hour per week).
- Holding office hours, assigning grades, advising students, preparing course materials (e.g., syllabus), creating and grading exams and homework, and interacting with other faculty and staff to contribute to current and future innovative pedagogical efforts in undergraduate teaching.
- Participating in extra-curricular activities such as supporting and supervising students in competitions, research, essays, and other academic activities. Those extra duties will be no more than 4 hours per week.
Salary and Benefits:
- Two-year contract (24 months)
- The scales for salary are:
- ¨ Assistant Professor: 350k – 450k RMB per annum(before tax)
- ¨ Associate Professor: 500k – 600k RMB per annum(before tax)
- ¨ Professor: 700k – 800k RMB per annum(before tax)
The salary is commensurate with education and experience.
- If the candidate is overseas, a round trip* international Economy-class airfare will be covered (payable upon presentation of receipts and boarding pass) within one term of contract.
* Reimbursement of airfare from Hefei to overseas is not applicable if you are to stay in China after the term of the contract.
- Social insurance according to AHU regulations.
- If quarantined for entering China or traveling from COVID high-risk areas (defined by the City of Hefei) to Hefei, the quarantine cost (hotel room, food) will be covered by SBIAHU. SBIAHU will pay the contracted monthly payment during the quarantine.
Stony Brook Institute at Anhui University (SBIAHU) is a joint academic institution established between Anhui University (AHU) and Stony Brook University (SBU). Conceptualized in 2018, SBIAHU brings together the flagship universities of Anhui Province and New York State to form the first China-US joint institute in Anhui Province, capitalizing on the universities’ shared strengths in research and STEM disciplines, a focus on developing globally competent graduates, and the mutual connection to Anhui native and Stony Brook Professor Emeritus C.N. Yang (Nobel Laureate 1957).
In 2020, SBIAHU opened its doors to its inaugural class, providing students with a dynamic global education that combines the teaching, curriculum, and research strengths of both AHU and SBU. The joint curriculum offers three undergraduate programs: Applied Physics, Applied Statistics, and Digital Media Technology.
Classes are offered at SBIAHU during three sessions: Spring term (20 weeks), Summer term (6 weeks), and Fall term (20 weeks). Chinese Holidays are observed at SBIAHU.
Application Instructions:
Document requirements
- Curriculum Vitae
- Statement of Teaching Philosophy
- A videotaped brief self-introduction, interest, and purpose including what teaching and academic work the applicant has completed and how the work has prepared him/her for the specific position at SBIAHU.
- Letters of support from two people who are familiar with the applicant’s teaching.
- Optional: Supplementary materials showing evidence of teaching effectiveness.
The selection process will include a presentation and a panel interview.
To apply
Please send your application documents to [email protected] and quote the job code in the subject.
Help contact: [email protected]
助理教授/副教授/教授 – 应用统计– 安徽大学纽约石溪学院
地点:中国安徽省合肥市肥西路3号, 安徽大学(龙河校区)
- 全日制普通教育数学、统计学或相关领域博士学位;
- 胜任全英文教学;
- 在2022年6月1日之前在海外高校、科研机构获得正式教学或科研职位,且具有连续36个月以上工作经历。在海外取得博士学位且业绩特别突出的,可适当放宽工作年限要求。
- 具有应用线性代数、有限数学结构、概率论、应用代数、经济学概论、数据分析、数学统计、博弈论、计量经济学等相关领域课程的授课经验;
- 有课程评估及开发的相关经验;
- 有以上课程相关学科领域教学知识。
- 每周教授四次90分钟的课程(每周两个班,每个班级两次90分钟的课程),正常的班级规模约为50名学生;
- 参加每周的集体备课(每周约一小时);
- 每周安排固定办公时间、评分、辅导学生、准备课程材料(如教学大纲),设计、批改试卷和作业,保持与其他教职工的交流协作,共同创新本科教学实践;
- 参与课外活动,如支持和指导学生参加竞赛、研究、论文及其他学术活动。这些额外的工作时间每周不超过4小时。
- 聘用合同为期两年(24个月)。
- 薪资标准为:
- ¨ 助理教授:年薪35 – 45万人民币(税前)
- ¨ 副教授:年薪50 – 60万人民币(税前)
- ¨ 教授:年薪70 – 80万人民币(税前)
- 如果应聘者身处境外,在一个聘期内安徽大学提供一次国际航班经济舱往返机票(从境外到合肥以及返程*。凭发票和登机牌报销)。
* 如果合同期满后仍留在中国,则不报销合肥至境外机票。
- 按学校规定购买社会保险。
- 如果因入境或从新冠疫情高风险地区(以合肥市政府公布名单界定)前往合肥入校而被要求隔离,隔离费用(食宿)由安大石溪学院承担。在隔离期间,安大石溪学院将按合同规定支付月薪。每个月的工资,在次月支付。
2020 年,安大石溪学院向首届学生敞开大门,融合中美双方学科优势和办学特色,引进石溪大学先进办学理念、课程、教材及师资,为学生提供先进的国际化教育。石溪学院开设三个本科专业:应用物理学、应用统计学和数字媒体技术。
- 个人简历
- 一篇关于教学理念的陈述
- 一段简短的自我展示视频,内容包括自我介绍、兴趣和申请原因,包括申请人过去的教学和学术相关工作经历,以及这些经历对申请安大石溪学院的岗位有什么具体帮助。
- 两位熟悉申请人教学经验的人士的支持信。
- 可选择提交:能展示申请人教学成果的补充材料。
请将您的申请文件发送至:[email protected],并在邮件主题中注明职位代码。
咨询请联系:[email protected]