Faculty positions in the Department of Life Science at National Taiwan University (NTU)

December 2, 2023

Job Description

Title Faculty positions in the Department of Life Science at National Taiwan University (NTU)
Office College of Life Science–Department of Life Science

TIME 2023/11/13 下午 04:30:57

Content The Department of Life Science, College of Life Science, at National Taiwan University (Taipei, Taiwan) invites applications for a full-time faculty position at the Assistant Professor level or above in the fields of vertebrate zoology, including expertise in functional morphology, population and community ecology, systematics, or evolutionary biology, starting from August 1st, 2024.
Applicants are expected to develop internationally recognized research and firmly commit to undergraduate education. The successful candidates are expected to share the teaching of general biology, as well as vertebrate zoology, functional morphology, biodiversity or comparative anatomy, courses.
NTU is the best university in Taiwan. The Department
of Life Science has a long-standing tradition of maintaining an integrated research program across microbiology, immunology, neuroscience, molecular and cellular biology, genomics, ecology and evolution, and plant sciences. The core facilities supported by the college also provide outstanding resources for research services.

The applicant must have a Ph.D. (or equivalent) degree and international research experience. Candidates with post-doctoral training are preferred.

How to Apply/ Contact
The applicant should submit an application package with a cover letter, including (1) curriculum vitae with three referees, (2) research plans and (3) teaching plans, (4) a list of publications dated after August 1st, 2017, and PDF files of related publications, (5) the diploma and the official transcript of a doctoral program. All documents must be submitted to Mr. Sheng-Chieh Wu via e-mail: [email protected] by January 14th, 2024. The applicant should request the referees to send recommendation letters to the same e-mail address.
Website for Department of Life Science, NTU: http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~deptlifesci/index_en.html

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