Faculty Positions Opening: Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor School of Nursing, College of Me..

Job Description

Title Faculty Positions Opening: Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor
School of Nursing, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University

Office College of Medicine–School of Nursing

TIME 2024/4/23 下午 03:54:24


1.Hold a current, valid registered nurse license.
2.Doctoral degree in nursing or related area .
3.Applicants are expected to have clinical and teaching experience and have ability to teach effectively at all levels including lecture and practicum. Experience in womens health is preferred .

B.Application Materials Required:

1.Curriculum vitae including personal information, educational background, teaching and research experience, areas of expertise, intended position to apply for, and contact information (telephone and E-mail) (Please refer to https://reurl.cc/NyjlEQ to download the format of Table).
2.Photocopies of doctoral degree certificate and nursing license.
3.Evidence of lecturer certificate from Taiwan Ministry of Education if available.
4.A statement of teaching proposal, scholarly interest and activities, and future research objectives.
5.A list of publications within 5 years of the appointment date (i.e. after February 01, 2020) and electronic version for each of the listed publications (in PDF format). Please designate your representative paper(s). (Please refer to https://reurl.cc/NyjlEQ to download three documents).
(**Above five application materials should be e-mailed to [email protected] in ONE PDF)
6.Three reference letters (should be emailed to [email protected] by referees).

C.All application materials should be emailed to [email protected] by June 24, 2024 (before 5 pm), and the employment starting date is February 02, 2025.

D.Please contact Miss Lee at +886-2-2312-3456 ext. 288435 if there’s any question.

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