Faculty Positions Opening-Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering,NTU

November 2, 2023

Job Description

Title Faculty Positions Opening-Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering,NTU
Office 工學院–工程科學及海洋工程學系

TIME 2023/10/6 上午 10:56:21

Content The Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering at National Taiwan University (NTU) invites applications for full-time tenure-track faculty positions starting from August 1, 2024.
1. Naval architecture and ocean engineering: preferred research expertise in renewable energy, underwater technology, naval architecture and ocean engineering, high-performance computing, and ocean environment.
2. Applied mechanics: preferred research expertise in vibration, acoustics, finite element analysis, materials science, systems engineering, industrial engineering, geotechnical engineering, and biomedical engineering.
3. Optomechatronics: preferred research expertise in control, advanced sensing, and microelectronics.
4. Computer sciences and information engineering: preferred research expertise in deep learning, robotics, and digital signal processing.
Applicants should submit their applications (https://www.esoe.ntu.edu.tw/recruit) by post or e-mail to the department chairman before December 6, 2023.

Prof. Shiu-Wu Chau
Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering
National Taiwan University
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, 106, Taiwan
E-mail: [email protected]

Application should include the following materials:
1. Cover letter and curriculum vitae
2. Proof that doctoral degree can be conferred before May 2024
3. Research plan
4. Teaching plan
5. One representative publication published within the past 5 years
6. Several reference publications published within the past 7 years
7. Undergraduate and graduate transcripts
8. At least two reference letters (including contact information of references)
9. Position of interest
For further information, please contact the department chairman.

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