Job Description
The Newhuadu Business School (NBS) at the Minjiang University invites applications for multiple full-time faculty positions in banking and finance, including, but not limiting to, corporate finance, asset pricing, banking, risk management, econometrics, statistics, and data science. Those positions are expected to start from September 2021 and are open until filled.
Newhuadu Business School (NBS), which was established in 2010, is a public institution of higher education founded by the Fasu Charity Foundation of Fujian Province (China). With the mission of becoming a world recognized business school in the near future, NBS is currently conducting a worldwide recruiting campaign for best researches in all fields of business and management education to join us. NBS has the world-class teaching and research facilities, labs, and buildings. Databanks we have purchased include CSMAR, WIND, RESSET 5-min intraday data, WRDS (including Compustat, IBES, Thomson Reuters SDC M&A, Institutional 13f Holdings, Dealscan, and Bankfocus & Osiris), Thomson Reuters Eikon & DataStream, JSTOR, etc.. Further information about the NBS is available at
Applicants should have (or be near completion of)
•a Ph.D. degree
•excellent records on research, teaching and administration if senior positions are targeted
•qualifications include a strong research orientation to publish high quality research (e.g. SSCI-indexed journal) and the ability to teach both undergraduate and graduate (MBA/iMBA) levels (the teaching load is about two courses per semester)
Salary is competitive. Salary per annum will be basically within the range of 300,000 – 500,000 RMB for Assistant Professor, 500,000 – 700,000 RMB for Associate Professor, and 700,000 – 900,000 RMB for Full Professor, which are all negotiable if applicants are extraordinarily qualified or experienced. Other benefits include publication bonuses and a research fund of 300,000 – 1,000,000 RMB, subject to the quality of the published papers or research proposals. There is one time settle-down allowance which is up to 900,000 RMB.
A complete application should include
1.cover letter
2.full curriculum vitae
3.a publication list and two representative publication/working papers
4.two letters of recommendation
5.applications should be submitted electronically to before June 30, 2021
Full-time Faculty Position in Banking and Finance.pdf