Job Description
Grade Level
Language, Writing & Culture, Science & Engineering, Finance, Management, Economics and Business, Art, Law, Political Science, Education, Physical & Health Science
Shanghai, China
WLSA Shanghai Academy (WSA) was established in 2012. The mission of WSA is To empower young people to become successful leaders who make a positive impact in their communities.
WSA seeks to inspire its students, under the leadership of WLSA Shanghai Academy offers WLSA Curriculum and the core of WLSA Curriculum is WLSA Global Impact Program (WLSA GIP), which is a unique, interdisciplinary, skills-based curriculum that forms the foundation of a holistic vision of high school education in a globalized society.
WLSA Shanghai Academy includes three sites in Shanghai, Zhengxi (Grade 11 & Grade 12), Baoshan (Grade 10) and Xizhuyuan (Grade 6 to Grade 9).
Advantages for teachers
A young, growing, and ambitious team
An environment that invites creativity
Opportunity to contribute to the creation of a school culture
Copious opportunities for advancement
Connections to schools worldwide
Professional development from educators from some of the best schools worldwide
Close relationship with Peabody school of education at Vanderbilt University
Teaching some of the brightest, most curious, and most ambitious students in China
English Literature Teacher
History Teacher
Math Teacher
Physics Teacher
Chemistry Teacher
Economics Teacher
Music Teacher
Art Teacher
Physical Education Teacher
Please send your resume to [email protected], thank you.
Related Pages
- For more information about the school, please visit WLSA Shanghai Academy
- For more local school jobs, please visit Local School Jobs in China
- For more international school jobs, please visit International School Jobs in China
- For more teaching jobs in Shanghai, please visit Teaching Jobs in Shanghai