Job Description
01 公司简介 Company Information
Founded in April 2015, Pinduoduo is a homegrown internet company headquartered in Shanghai, China. Established in the mobile era, Pinduoduo started as an agricultural retail platform with an innovative “Pin” or “team purchase” model for agricultural produce. Over time, the company has become a marketplace encompassing all categories yet still retaining a distinct focus on agriculture. It is also the only mobile-only e-commerce platform of scale around the world.As a pioneer of new e-commerce, Pinduoduo is committed to creating sustainable value for consumers through innovative experiences melding “more savings” and “more fun”. Pinduoduo went public in July 2018 on Nasdaq under the ticker “PDD”. As of March 31, 2022, Pinduoduo’s annual active buyers reached 881.9 million. Pinduoduo’s average monthly active users reached 751.3 million in the first quarter of 2022. The platform has more than 11.5 million merchants and processes an average of more than one hundred million parcels each day. It has become China’s largest e-commerce platform by number of users, and the largest online retail platform for agricultural produce in the world.Pinduoduo’s team is young and highly creative, with extensive backgrounds in technology. The average age of the company’s employees is 27, and 70% of them graduated from renowned domestic universities such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Zhejiang University, as well as leading overseas universities. In 2021, the company’s employee number reached 8,000.
02 岗位详情
【任职要求】【Job Requirements】1、 学历不限,欢迎非电商专业同学跨专业自荐;1. Students with any educational backgrounds are welcome to apply, including those not majoring in E-commerce;2、学届不限,欢迎有海外背景的往届生,应届生以及非应届生,包括但不限于海外留学生或者本国有留学背景的同学;2. All recent graduates and current students with overseas education backgrounds are welcome to apply, including but not limited to foreign students or Chinese students with overseas education backgrounds;3、希望能符合以下至少一种情况:3. You should ideally meet at least one of the following criteria:1)有网购经验,对国内外电商平台有一定了解;1) Have online shopping experience and a good understanding of domestic and overseas e-commerce platforms;2)对广告或者市场行业了解,平时爱玩国内外社交软件;
2) Understand the advertising or marketing industries and regularly use domestic and overseas social apps;
3) Have a certain level of research and analysis capabilities, and understandings of domestic and overseas consumer behavior;
4) Foreign students should have basic Chinese communication skills;
5) Chinese students with overseas education backgrounds should be able to use English in working environment.
【岗位职责】【Job Responsibilities】
市场方向 Marketing
方向1:文案策划 1: Marketing Material Planning
1. 负责提供能够吸引用户的英文文案创意,包含品牌广告、登陆页面、产品页面、社交媒体等
1. Responsible for creating English marketing material to attract users, including brand advertisements, landing pages, product pages, social media, etc.
2. 承担包含品牌广告、登陆页面、产品页面、社交媒体等内容在发布之前的英文校对和编辑
2. Responsible for proofreading and editing English content before publishing, including brand advertisements, landing pages, product pages, social media, etc.
3. 通过不同的文案表达,优化受众的行动率及转化率,以达到提升广告效果的目的
3. Able to create multiple marketing materials to optimize target audience interaction and conversion rate, so as to improve the advertising effectiveness.
方向2:广告投放 2. Advertising
1. 负责在主流媒体平台的广告投放策略制定工作;
1. Responsible for developing advertising strategies on mainstream media platforms;
2. 关注市场信息,定期分析行业数据;
2. Monitor market information and regularly analyze industry data;
3. 与各媒体渠道进行对接合作,探索广告行业先进玩法。
3. Cooperate with various media channels to explore trending advertising strategies.
方向3:达人营销 3: Influencer Marketing
1. 负责短视频平台的达人营销投放,以高曝光、转化为目标,制定基于达人渠道的内容营销策略;
1. Responsible for influencer marketing campaign on short-video platforms and develop tailored content marketing strategies, with high exposure and high conversion as the goal;
2. 以高曝光和高转化为目标,结合内容方法论制定达人内容营销策略,指导并提升达人投放的播放表现;
2. With high exposure and high conversion as the goal, develop influencer marketing content strategy and optimize performance;
3. 搭建并优化达人投放流程,进行创作者拉新和维护,持续提升达人合作效率和收益。
3. Build and streamline the influencer campaign process, acquire new creators and maintain existing relationships, and continuously improve the collaboration efficiencies.
方向4:广告创意 4: Creative Advertising
1、 独立负责电商广告视频创意设计与制作
1. Independently responsible for the creative design and production of e-commerce advertising videos;
2. Accurately understand advertisers’ product features and associate the features with short-video platform users; develop video scripts and graphic briefs accordingly.
方向5:数据分析 5. Data Analysis
1. 搭建各增长渠道的用户增长模型,通过数据积累及分析优化各渠道增长漏斗;
1. Build user growth models for each channel and optimize the marketing funnels of each channel through data accumulation and analysis;
2. 对用户行为有强烈兴趣,喜欢从数据中发现规律与问题,从而理解用户,为用户创造更好的产品体验;
2. Have a strong interest in understanding user behaviors through data analysis, so as to create better product experience to serve users;
产品方向 Product
1: User Research
1. Responsible for user research, understand industry landscape and latest developments, and develop professional research reports with strong feasibility;
2. Build scientific user metrics to track overall business sustainability.
方向2:产品经理 2. Product Manager
1. Responsible for the demand analysis and product planning of the Pinduoduo App;
2. Responsible for the effect of each product module under management, such as team-up process, purchasing process, etc.
【任职要求】【Job Requirements】
1. Students with any educational backgrounds are welcome to apply, including those not majoring in E-commerce;
2. All recent graduates and current students with overseas education backgrounds are welcome to apply, including but not limited to foreign students or Chinese students with overseas education backgrounds;
3. You should ideally meet at least one of the following criteria:
1) Have online shopping experience and a good understanding of domestic and overseas e-commerce platforms;
2) Understand the advertising or marketing industries and regularly use domestic and overseas social apps;
3) Have a certain level of research and analysis capabilities, and understandings of domestic and overseas consumer behavior;
4) Foreign students should have basic Chinese communication skills;
5) Chinese students with overseas education background should be able to use English in working environment.
03 疑问咨询&简历投递
Inquiries & Resume Submissions 欢迎感兴趣的同学详询HR
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Email: [email protected]
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