Job Description
1. Teaching requirements:
Teach interdisciplinary courses related to climate change and sustainable development; for example, courses on climate change reports and policies, application and analysis of climate model data, or application and analysis of environmental data, etc.
2. Required application documents :
A. Curriculum vitae (including publications list and research synopsis)
B. Teaching plan (including teaching philosophy, teaching experience, and outlines of the course planned to offer)
C. Copy of doctoral diploma and certificate of employment (including current and past positions)
D. Research publication: the publication list within seven years (published after August 2017)
E. Contact information of three referees, including name, title, affiliation, phone, and official email address.
Please email all the required documents (as PDFs) to Ms. Tu at the following email address: [email protected] with the subject of “NTU Project Faculty_IPCS”. The deadline for receiving all documents is February 29, 2024. The IPCS Office will acknowledge the applicant by email within two days. If applicants have not received the confirmation email after three days, please contact Ms. Tu, the Office of the IPCS at phone number: (02) 3366-5082.
Applicants who pass the initial review process will be contacted for an interview by email.