Postdoctoral positions in the field of cosmic reionization and 21 cm cosmology – Tsinghua University

December 25, 2021

Job Description

Applications are invited for 2 postdoctoral positions at the Department of Astronomy (DoA) at Tsinghua University. The successful applicants will work with Prof. Yi Mao on studies related to cosmic reionization, dark ages, cosmic dawn, 21 cm astrophysics and cosmology. The positions are for an initial period of two years, and renewable for 1-2 years upon satisfactory performance and funding.

The successful candidates will have access to dedicated state-of-the-art computing facilities, and work on one of the fields as follows: (1) simulating the cosmological structure formation and the epoch of reionization and/or cosmic dawn with numerical or semi-numerical codes, (2) exploring the 21 cm statistical observables, molecular line intensity mapping, and other probes of reionization, (3) developing the techniques to maximally extract information from the cosmological 21-cm signal, e.g. using machine learning, (4) developing the techniques of foreground removal. Experience in N-body or hydrodynamical or radiative transfer numerical simulations, 21cm theory, statistical analysis, machine learning, or foreground/instrument modeling is particularly encouraged, but not required.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. in physics, astronomy, or a related field by the date of appointment. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply, regardless of gender, national or cultural origins. We have an international team, and English is a working language at DoA. The main selection criteria are research accomplishments and potential for future success. A complete application should include a curriculum vita, a list of publications, and a statement of previous research and future plan, all in one PDF file, and be sent via email to:, by January 15, 2022, or until the position is filled. The applicant should also arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to the same email address prior to the deadline. Successful candidates will be offered competitive salary compensation and subsidized housing accommodation. They are expected to start at Tsinghua no later than September 1, 2022 (although the exact starting date can be negotiated).

Included Benefits:

Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Generous research and travel funds are available.

Related URLs:

Reionization Research Group at Tsinghua

Department of Astronomy at Tsinghua University

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