Job Description
Job description:
The High Energy Physics group at Peking University (PKU) invites applications for one postdoctoral researcher position to work on quantum computing application.
Peking University is a top university in China located in the capital city, Beijing. The School of Physics at Peking University has a strong program in theoretical and experimental High Energy Physics research.
Quantum computing could become a powerful tool for High Energy Physics. The successful candidate will have a chance to work on quantum computing application for High Energy Physics (using quantum computer simulator and hardware). An example is to use quantum machine learning algorithms to separate signal from background in a Higgs physics analysis.
Initial appointment will be for two years, renewable for a third year and beyond, subject to mutual satisfaction. It will start as soon as possible when the decision is made. A Ph.D. is required at the time of employment.
For more details, please contact Prof. Chen Zhou ([email protected]).
The application material will consist of (1) curriculum vitae, (2) a description of research interests and accomplishments and (3) three letters of recommendation sent directly by the referees. Please send the material by email to: Prof. Chen Zhou ([email protected]).