Job Description
Employer: Shenzhen University (website)
Applications with research experiences in image/video processing, multimedia, computer vision, computer graphics, virtual reality, machine learning, computer animation and gaming are always encouraged for post-doctoral positions and faculty positions (Lecturer, Associate Professor and Full Professor).
For post-doctoral positions, we pay minimum 200,000 CNY/pa tax-free. Salary details for faculty positions are highlighted below:
- For lecturers, salaries start from 200,000 up to 250,000 CNY/pa;
- For associate professorships, salaries start from 250,000 up to 600,000 CNY/pa;
- For full professorships, salaries start from 600,000 CNY up to 1.2 million CNY/pa, depending on research experiences, track records and potentials.
To apply, send a copy of full CV with list of publications to: Professor Jianmin Jiang (email: [email protected])
There is no deadline for application, and application is open all the time around the year.