Secondary English Literature Teacher – YCIS Shanghai Pudong – Yew Chung International School of Shanghai (YCIS)

Job Description

Yew Chung International School of Shanghai (YCIS)

Job Location

A. Knowledge and understanding:
 Have a detailed knowledge of the subject of English Language and Literature of the National Curriculum,
 Have a secure knowledge and understanding of the subject of English Language and Literature.
 Cope securely with subject-related questions that students raise and know about students’ common
misconceptions and mistakes in their specialist subject(s).
 All secondary school curriculum and assessment guidelines.
B. Planning and setting expectations:
 Identify clear teaching objectives, content, lesson structures and sequences appropriate to the subject
matter and the students being taught.
 Set appropriate and demanding expectations for students’ learning and motivation. Set clear targets for
students’ learning, building on prior attainment and experiences.
 Identify students who have special educational needs and are gifted and talented, and know where to get
assistance in order to give positive.
C. Teaching and managing student learning:
 Ensure effective teaching of whole classes, groups and individuals so that teaching objectives are met,
momentum and challenge are maintained, and best use is made of teaching time.
 Use teaching methods that keep students engaged, including stimulating students’ intellectual curiosity,
effective questioning and response, clear presentation and good use of resources.
 Set high expectations for students’ behavior, establishing and maintaining a good standard of discipline
through well-focused teaching and through positive and productive relationships.
D. Assessment and evaluation:
 Assess how well learning objectives have been achieved and use this assessment for future teaching.
 Mark and monitor students’ class and homework providing constructive oral and written feedback, setting
targets for students’ progress.
 When applicable, understand the demands expected of students in relation to the National Curriculum, KS4
and KS5.
E. Relations with parents and wider community:
 Know how to prepare and present informative reports to parents.
 Recognize that learning takes place outside the school context and provide opportunities to develop
students’ understanding by relating their learning to real and work-related examples.
 Understand the need to cooperate with agencies outside school.
F. Managing own performance and development:
 Understand the need to take responsibility for their own professional development and to keep up to date
with research and developments in pedagogy and in the subjects they teach.
 Understand their professional responsibilities in relation to school policies, guidelines and practices.
 Set a good example to the students they teach in their presentation and their personal conduct.
 Evaluate their own teaching critically and use this to improve their effectiveness.
G. Managing and developing staff and other adults:
 Establish effective working relationships with professional colleagues, such as, co-teachers, specialist
teachers and associate staff.
H. Managing resources:
 Select and make good use of books, equipment, ICT and other learning resources that enable teaching
objectives to be met.
 Holder of Bachelor Degree and teaching certificate or license with excellent subject knowledge
 Minimum 2 years of full-time teaching experience in a school setting
 Additional experience or training in areas such as EAL, ESL, SEN, the US-based APs, and IB TOK is a plus.
 Support Yew Chung’s values
 Have passion for teaching students
 Demonstrate rigorous approach in teaching different year levels
 Demonstrate commitment in teamwork

Yew Chung International School of Shanghai (YCIS)

Job Location

Job Details

Role Start Date

1 August 2025

Applications Close

30 June 2025

Min. Qualification
Min. Experience
2 Years
Cover Letter
Not required

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