Job Description
More Information
Grade Level
Language, Writing & Culture
北京市 朝阳区, 马泉营地铁站(地铁15号线)
Bachelor’s Degree in Education or related field * (required)
Master’s Degree (preferred)
Qualified Teacher Status or other recognized Teaching Credentials *
Demonstrates successful teaching experiences with a wide range of learners *
At least two years working experience in school (preferred)
Job Benefits:
Home Leave Air Transportation Allowance (10,000RMB annually).
Housing Allowance (10,000RMB/month).
Job Description:
The role of the teacher is to provide quality, differentiated learning experiences for students in a socially, educationally and physically safe environment allowing them to learn, contribute and interact with their peers and teachers in a manner which fosters and encourages the characteristics of the schools bilingual curriculum to meet the schools mission and vision.
Specific Tasks
Undertakes such teaching duties as stipulated in the contract of employment.
Carry out such other related duties and responsibilities as may reasonably be requested by the Principal within the limitations of the teacher’s contract. This will include duty supervision and one required ASA per week.
Understands and adheres to the Teachers Essential Agreements
Teaching and Classroom Environment
Creates a positive, stimulating, academic and risk free environment in which students can thrive educationally and socially.
Creates an atmosphere recognizing and encouraging the attributes of the school curriculum.
Creates a learning environment which recognizes the individual learning styles of the students.
Ensures that all students are aware of and follow behaviorial agreements.
Addresses all issues with positivity.
Ensures that classrooms, furnishings, resources and equipment are respected and valued by students.
Planning and Organization
Follows all prescribed teaching strategies and curriculum delivery in line with the school’s curriculum direction.
Maintains all planning and record keeping as requested by the school
Demonstrates a collaborative model to all planning requirements
Professional Commitment
Attends all regular departmental or team meetings.
Carries out teaching-related tasks as requested by the Administration.
Prepares for and contributes to all Parent/Teacher events
Participates in year-level or subject-based field trips as requested.
Supports the school and its programmes in a professional and collegial manner.
Participates in any After School Activities stipulated in Teachers contract.
Helps create a united and effective professional team by exhibiting qualities of loyalty, tact, confidentiality, reliability, enthusiasm, efficiency and work ethic.
Provides a good personal example to students in terms of attitudes, dress, deportment, manners, language and punctuality.
Curriculum Development
Advises and cooperates with colleagues in determining year-level and specialist programmes.
Contributes expertise to the development of educational programmes.
Develops teaching resources in response to changes in the curriculum and/or its assessment.
Contributes subject expertise to the development of cross-curricular activities.
Participates in the planning and execution of other school programs outside of their homeroom
Professional Development
Contributes to and participates in formal performance review and appraisal.
Participates in professional development activities as and when requested by the divisional Principals.
Maintains up-to-date knowledge of subjects taught.
Maintains a level of technology proficiency as determined and supported by the School.
Student Assessment
Sets homework in accordance with the homework policy.
Maintains an appropriate assessment records
Analyze assessment information to improve student teaching and learning
Initiates and maintains close communication with parents regarding the social and academic progress of the students
Conducts regular assessment of student work, both formative and summative, according to schools Assessment Policy
Interactions with students
Builds and solidifies strong interpersonal rapport with students
Provides the necessary pastoral care and support for all students.
Carries out pastoral duties as stipulated by the divisional principal
Takes a collaborative approach to issues requiring sensitivity.
Behaviour Management
Provides the framework for students being able to work in a risk free environment.
Is proactive with issues of student misbehavior.
Maintains a positive approach to aspects of behavior management.
Ensuring the health, welfare and safety of students is paramount.
Involves other colleagues with incidents of student’s poor behavior or choices.
Supervisory Duties
Undertakes school supervision duties in a professional manner providing a duty of care over all students.
Administrative Responsibilities
Completes registers, forms and records according to specified deadlines.
Takes and monitors student attendance.
Plays a full part in ensuring that students pay attention to official communications from the school.
Ensures that students obey uniform regulations.
Participates in all professional meetings
Is fully professional in all areas of the school’s operations.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Contributes to the school’s Activities Programme
* = required
Application Email
[email protected]
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