Teaching Assistant (TA) positions available for the Fall 2024 semester (Organisms that changed histo..

August 1, 2024

Job Description

Title Teaching Assistant (TA) positions available for the Fall 2024 semester (Organisms that changed history(1))
Office ntu–Center for General Education

TIME 2024/7/15 下午 02:39:44

Content Course Name: Organisms that changed history(1)
Time: Monday 3,4,5

Job Description
The teaching assistants are expected to assist professors with class instruments. The potential duties may be:

•to set up teaching & learning equipment (computers, projectors, etc.) for physical classes
•to set up and operate the facilities for asynchronous/ synchronous courses, such as online lessons if necessary.
•to grade assignments, meet with students, lead/conduct course discussion(s)/ study groups, or read students’ papers and suggest a grade, and so on…

1.Excellent oral and written English communication (required)
(Chinese language will be a plus but not a must)
2.Highly knowledgeable about the specific subject area
4.Patient and resourceful
5.Organized and careful about time management

Monthly Salary (NTU) & Term
7,000 (undergraduate), 9500 (MS student), and 12,000 (Ph.D. student)
Fall semester of 2024 for a maximum of 4 months

Please send your CV to [email protected]. Once you get appointed, you will need to complete the procedure by attending the TA orientation. Detailed information can be found @ https://cbe.ntu.edu.tw/

Click here to read more.
