Job Description
Faculty Positions Available at School of Physical Science and Technology, Lanzhou University
- Introduction of the school
School of Physical Science and Technology, a promising member of Lanzhou University, was founded from the merger of the original physics department (established in 1946) and department of material science (established in 1984). It is among the first batch of institutions that was granted the charter to confer degrees of bachelor, master, doctorate and post-doctoral mobile station authorized by MOE. The school has set up undergraduate specialties in theoretical physics, magnetism, metal materials physics, electronic devices and materials engineering, materials physics, materials chemistry, and microelectronics science and engineering, under three first level disciplines such as physics, material science and technology and electronic science and technology. In 1993, the National basic science research and teaching personnel training base in physics was established. In 2008, the National physics experimental teaching demonstration center was established. In 2010, it entered the China “top-Notch undergraduate training program”. The school is equipped with key laboratories for Magnetics and Magnetic Materials of the Ministry of Education; Key Laboratory of Design of Special Functional Materials and Structures Ministry of Education, and National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of Light Conversion Materials and Technologies.
At present, the school is open to recruit high-level talents such as condensed matter physics, theoretical physics, particle physics and nuclear physics, materials science and engineering, and microelectronics and solid electronics.
- Recruitment Positions
There are currently about 40 faculty positions including teaching, research and technique in the light of the development plan of The School of Physical Science and Technology, Lanzhou University. Limited positions are open till filled!
Specific needs are as follows:
2-1. Teaching, Research and Technique positions (about 40 demands)
➢ Teaching and Research positions about basic courses in mathematics and physics such as algebra, probability and statistics, stochastic processes, differential geometry, topology and categorization, et al. Requirement: about 3 persons.
➢ Teaching and Research positions about basic courses in mechanics such as continuum mechanics, et al. Requirement: about 2 persons.
➢ Teaching and Research positions about basic courses in thermal science such as non-equilibrium transport, quantum thermodynamics, statistical physics, et al. Requirement: about 3 persons.
➢ Teaching and Research positions about optical basic courses such as advanced optics, spectroscopy, linear and nonlinear optics, laser principles, optical communication, photonics, quantum optics, et al. Requirement: about 3 persons.
➢ Teaching and Research positions about electromagnetic basic courses such as electromagnetic field calculation, spintronics, cavity field QED, et al. Requirement: about 3 persons.
➢ Teaching and Research positions about computational physics foundation courses such as scientific computing, numerical simulation, various algorithm analysis, data science and technology, et al. Requirement: about 3 persons.
➢ Teaching and Research positions about materials. Requirement: about 10 persons.
➢ Teaching, Research and Technique positions about electronic information. Requirement: about 10 persons.
➢ Teaching, Research and Technique positions about new engineering. Requirement: about 10 persons.
2-2. High-level Talent Positions (No limitation to the above positions but account for the above positions)
The Academician of the Chinese Academy of Science or Chinese Academy of Engineering (Full time or Double employed Academicians), National special expert, Distinguished Professor of the Scholars of the Yangtze River of MOE, National outstanding Youth sponsored by the National Science Foundation of China, Leading talent of “Ten Thousands Talents Program”, Talents of “Four Youths”, Teaching masters, et al.
- Remuneration
3-1. Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences/Engineering (double employed academicians may be negotiable)
✓ 5-10 million RMB research start-up fund
✓ 4 million RMB housing subsidy, home payment and turnover apartment
3-2. National special experts
✓ 2-5 million RMB research start-up fund
✓ 2 million RMB housing subsidy, home payment and turnover apartment
✓ Exclusive PhD student quota
✓ Spouse’s work, Children’s enrollment
3-3. Distinguished Professor of the Scholars of the Yangtze River of MOE, National outstanding Youth sponsored by the National Science Foundation of China
✓ 2-5 million RMB research start-up fund
✓ 2 million RMB housing subsidy, home payment and turnover apartment
✓ Exclusive PhD student quota
✓ Spouse’s work, Children’s enrollment
3-4. Leading talents in the “Ten Thousands Talents Program”
✓ 1-3 million RMB research start-up fund
✓ 2 million RMB housing subsidy, home payment and turnover apartment
✓ Exclusive PhD student quota
✓ Spouse’s work, Children’s enrollment
3-5. Selected candidates for the “Four Youths” project
✓ 2-3 million research funding
128 square meters of housing or 1.1 million RMB housing subsidies, home payment and turnover apartments
Exclusive PhD student quota
Spouse’s work, Children’s enrollment
3-6. Young researchers
Hired as a researcher
250,000-300,000 RMB annual salary (before tax)
500,000-1.5 million RMB for research start-up fund
Turnover apartment (school provides 40,000 RMB per year rent subsidy)
Children’s enrollment
Foreign teachers
20% higher than the same level positions in the school
Supporting funds for scientific research
Housing subsidies and turnover apartments
International postdoctoral
Provide a subsidy of 200,000 or 300,000 RMB per year
Postdoctoral in China
Not less than 180,000 RMB fund per year
Turnover apartment
Subject (surgery) leader and postdoctoral, outstanding doctoral graduates
Provide sufficient research start-up fund, housing subsidies, home payment and turnover apartment; Solve children’s enrollment.
Provide funding support for outstanding doctoral graduates such as research start-up fund and home payment.
- Contact Information:
Contact Persons:Miss. Lee and Mr. Ye
E-mail:[email protected] , [email protected]
Address: 222 Tianshui South Road, School of Physics and Technology, Lanzhou University, China
Post code: 730000
School website: